ESPN/ERA Registry

European Registry for Children on Renal Replacement Therapy


European Society for Paediatric Nephrology
European Renal Association
Department of Medical Informatics
Academic Medical Center
European Union

Welcome to the website of the ESPN/ERA Registry

The ESPN/ERA Registry has been developed to increase the amount and the quality of information on paediatric kidney replacement therapy (KRT). On this website, ESPN/ERA Registry activities and information on paediatric registries in general will be provided.

This year, the following papers have been published at the ESPN/ERA-Registry. The first one was written by Raphael Schild and Simeon Dupont et. al. and was published in Clinical Kidney Journal: Disparities in treatment and outcome of kidney replacement therapy in children with comorbidities: an ESPN/ERA Registry study, and the second one by Marjolein Bonthuis et. al. was published in Pediatric Nephrology: Associations of longitudinal height and weight with clinical outcomes in pediatric kidney replacement therapy: results from the ESPN/ERA Registry.

Since December 2022, Iris Montez de Sousa has joined the ESPN/ERA Registry Team as a PhD student. She will gradually take over tasks from Marjolein Bonthuis, who now also works for the adult ERA Registry. Please find an introductory letter from Iris here.

The ESPN/ERA Registry highly welcomes paediatric nephrologists to work on the Registry data. Topics could include, but are not limited to, nephronopthesis and regional variation in FSGS. Examples of research projects or internships can be found here. For example Simeon Dupont, a medical doctor from Germany visited the Registry to work on a project on comorbidities.

Funding possibilities by for example the ESPN and the ERA fellowship programs are available. Please send a CVs and a motivation letter to Iris Montez de Sousa or contact her for more information at

Please contact us via if you would like to join the Registry, want more information on research projects or if you have any other question.

Thank you all for making the ESPN/ERA Registry work!

Enrico Vidal, Chair of the ESPN/ERA Registry
Sevcan Bakkaloglu, Vice-chair ESPN/ERA Registry
Kitty Jager, Registry Director of the ERA Registry
Marjolein Bonthuis, Coordinator ESPN/ERA Registry
Iris Montez de Sousa, PhD student and Coordinator ESPN/ERA Registry

The annual report including
2020 and 2021 paediatric data
The new ESPN/ERA Registry newsletter is online.
download Paediatric Data 2021 download newsletter